I’ve now been in Tallahassee, Florida for a week now. After getting over the general tiredness/soreness from travelling so much, we’ve been able to get in some good training.

The weather here is great. It’s been around 70 degrees and sunny every single day. You couldn’t ask for better training conditions, especially in the heart of winter. It’s a nice feeling to be able to go shirtless on every run.

In addition to the weather, there are some great places to run here. They’ve got a couple of greenbelts where you can run for many miles on soft surface, and there’s a really nice park, Tom Brown park, where we’ve done most of our longer runs.

As far as the training specifics, I’ll be about 80 miles for this week with a couple of workouts. On Tuesday we had mile repeats, for which we were joined by Canadian Olympian Kevin Sullivan. Sully also joined us for a tempo run later in the week. It’s been pretty surreal to tuck in behind three olympians in a workout. Besides the workouts, I’ve been getting used to doing some more general strength work and weight work. It’s not a lot, but for someone whose never really done much consistant weight work, it’s definately a noticable change. I really think it’s going to make a big difference though and something which I lacked.

Other than that, we’ve pretty much just bummed around, rested, and recovered. We’ve got almost another week before it’s back to the cold in Virginia.

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    1. k on January 11, 2009 at 11:40 pm

      Hey Steve

      How fast did you run the mile reps and what was the recovery?Also what kind of tempo was it?

    2. stevemagness on January 14, 2009 at 8:04 pm

      it was progressive mile repeats. start out at mid 4:50’s, progressed to 4:35ish. Short rest (1min to 1:40).

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