Part 2: Should we move our athletes up? Renato Canova has pointed out that there are basically three kinds of runners for each event. You have the specialist who responds to specific training for that event best. You have the fast event runner, who comes at the event from a speed perspective. And you have…

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African’s vs. Western Runners: Why do they dominate and what can we learn: Part 1- Fun with Statistics Part 2- Should our Athlete’s move up in distance? Part 3- Why can African’s close faster than their Western counterparts? Part 4- Muscle Recruitment’s role Part 5- Putting Theory into Practice Part 6- Kick Development Powerpoint presentation-…

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Common Misconceptions in Running. 1. Stretching improves performance Reality- Nope, it impairs it. Numerous studies have shown that it decreases performance from sprints to endurance. How? Well that would take a whole post but it’s mostly through neruomuscular factors, such as decreased muscle recruitment, and decreased stiffness of the system, resulting in less elastic energy…

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