A brief break from hearing my take on training and the science around it to note some good performances by the HS guys.  Yesterday, the guys ran the Tx Relays 3200.

Ryan ended up 2nd just half a second back of NXN champ Craig Lutz in an exciting race.  He ran 8:59.14, his first sub 9, closing in about 4:25ish and 62. 

The amazing part is he has only been really training for about 5 weeks as he is coming back from Mono.  After the season is done, I’ll post what workouts we’ve done to get him back. But I think one thing it shows is that you don’t necessarily gain fitness by doing big impressive workouts, sometimes its just stringing together some moderate workouts together that aren’t impressive in the training log or would be laughed at on letsrun.com.  Workouts such as this: https://www.scienceofrunning.com/high-school-workout-cruise-200s/

Thanks to all those coaches who I consulted with in how to bring a kid back from Mono, especially Chris Puppione.  I’m excited to see how far we can go from here.

Will ran a slight PR running 9:25, but it was one of the gutsiest races I’ve seen.  Watching the race live after 2 laps I seriously thought Will was going to run 9:50.  He has some horrible timing and came down sick in the days leading up to the race, and he looked it during the race.  But, he fought the entire race and hung on remarkably well.  It’s a shame he couldn’t go into this one feeling normal, but to come away with a PR given the circumstances is remarkable.  If we can get him into another good 3200, I can definately see a sub 9:15.

I’d also like to note two other guys who I don’t really coach but have trained with the group a good deal.  Ryan Tillota pulled off a 6second PR running 9:26.  He spent all summer training with us at Burroughs park and his hard work has paid off nicely.  Lastly, Ryan’s dad coaches Tim Cousins who had a massive 23sec PR to run 9:05.  Tim’s another regular at the weekend and summer runs at the park and had an amazing race.

You can watch the race here:

And an interview with Ryan and Tim here:

Get My New Guide on: The Science of Creating Workouts


    1. Wize on April 3, 2010 at 5:16 pm

      What an impressive comeback for Ryan. I'm looking forward to understanding Ryan's training workouts. In relation to this article, can you elaborate on how you train to create the pace to give you race times like Ryan's? If you run 10/10:30 minute 3200's at the beginning of the season, what is the right course to get down to 9's and then 8's by the end of the season? The runners that are doing it must have a better training program than I do. Thanks.

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