Episode 122: Periodization in the Good Times and Bad.

Periodization sounds complex, but it’s really just how we plan and organize our training. Do you build a big base and then go short and fast with speedwork? Or employ a blended or mixed system? In this episode we break down periodization and discuss how to use it not only when things are going well, but when you are working on a compressed timescale.
Steve & Jon
Resources Mentioned in the Podcast
- The Stress of Life by Hans Selye
- Stress and Adaptation: Everything You Need to Know
- Going to the Well and seeing God: How hard should our workouts be?
- Stress Inoculation: Preparing for the Long Haul
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We’ve just launched a new course for the Scholar Program: Philosophy 301: Designing a Training Program. In this course, we cover everything from periodization to designing and manipulating workouts. Check it out!
Visit the HPW Academy of Scholarship today!
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