In this episode, Steve Magness explores the psychology and science behind performance anxiety, choking, and the phenomenon known as ‘the yips’ in sports. Drawing on his experience working with top athletes from various sports, Steve delves into how stress responses can both help and hinder performance. Through a blend of personal stories, scientific research, and practical advice, the video examines why we choke under pressure and offers strategies to manage stress in the moment and build long-term resilience. Key points include the role of a diversified sense of self, the importance of intrinsic motivation, and various techniques like reframing, using physiological disruptors, and creating a sense of belonging to improve performance. He also introduces unconventional methods to break out of predictive ruts and enhance psychological flexibility, aiming to help athletes and professionals perform at their best. The video serves as an introduction to concepts further explored in Steve’s new book, ‘Win the Inside Game‘.

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00:0 Introduction: Understanding Performance Pressure

00:43 A Personal Story: My Daughter’s Swimming Class

02:21 The Science of Stress Responses

04:26 Choking in Sports: Real-Life Examples

08:24 The Psychology Behind Choking

12:56 Strategies to Overcome Performance Anxiety

19:21 Building Long-Term Resilience

27:17 Doing Something Crazy: Breaking the Rut

30:43 Conclusion: Applying the Insights

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