Posts Tagged ‘podcasts’
246: Base Training: Progression Over Career
We all know what a base is right? Just run some easy miles. Well, a base is a bit more complex than that, and it should change over the course of your career. In this episode, we go deep on what a base is and how to change it as you progress. We’ll pull from…
Read MoreEpisode 158: Positive Illusions- How they can hurt or help performance
In this episode, we look at some of our cognitive biases that can help or hurt our performance. From optimism bias to our illusion of control, how does our psychology impact our performance. That’s what we cover! Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches education. And…
Read MoreEpisode 157: The Floundering Athlete: Ways to Reengage them and Reinvigorate their Performance
What do you do when it all goes wrong? When an athlete is struggling, overtrained, or just not feeling good anymore? In this episode, we provide strategies for how to get athletes back on track from an emotional and psychological standpoint, as well as a training and physiological standpoint. Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor…
Read MoreEpisode 156: Does what you’re measuring actually matter?
In this episode, we take on the importance and value of measurement. Should you wear a GPS watch, measure HRV, heart rate, power, or lactate? We break down the balance you need to have between measurement and feel. Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches education.…
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