238: When workouts don’t work: The art of the audible
What do you do when it all goes wrong during a workout? You call an audible! In this episode, we walk you through how and when to adjust a bad workout. Steve & Jon Check out the Scholar Program The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches education. It has 20+ courses plus…
Read More237: Medium Dig Cycle: When and why to purposefully dig a hole in training.
Is it every worthwhile to dig yourself a hole? It turns out the answer is likely yes! In this episode we go through Jerry Schumacher’s medium dig cycle, Canova’s special block training, and much more. Learn when to go a little bit more, to get long lasting gains. Steve & Jon Check out the Scholar…
Read More236: Hard work vs. Overtraining: Finding the Sweet Spot for Optimal Adaptation:
Training is about adaptation. We have to apply the right stimulus that is just strong enough, without overwhelming us. It’s about embarrassing the body. In this episode, we discuss where the line is between overreaching and overtraining. Steve & Jon Check out the Scholar Program The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches…
Read More235: The science of Flow states: How to turn it on and recapture it when it’s gone.
How do we get in the zone to perform at our best? This week we tackle the psychology of performance. Steve & Jon Check out the Scholar Program The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches education. It has 20+ courses plus an online interaction system with 500+ other coaches! And we’ve added…
Read More234: The Science of Soviet Training Methods: A look back at the history of getting in shape.
In this episode we dive deep into the literature on soviet training. Yes, there was lots of drugs, but is there anything to learn? We go through circuits, strength training, periodization, and more. Steve & Jon Check out the Scholar Program The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches education. It has 20+…
Read More233: Traits of a champion: Why some are better than rest
What separates the best from the rest? In this episode, we go into the characteristics of a champion, and how to cultivate them in anybody. Steve & Jon Check out the Scholar Program The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches education. It has 20+ courses plus an online interaction system with 500+…
Read More232: Defining the Win: How to stay on track, have success, and have fun doing it.
Are you and your athletes on the same page in how you define success? Have you ever walked up to an athlete after a race, expecting them to be happy, but they are dejected? You were on different pages in how you define success. In this episode, we talk about defining the win. Steve &…
Read More231: The Athlete’s Hierarchy of Needs. Getting the basics down first
Decades ago, Abraham Maslow outlined a hierarchy of needs. We take this idea and translate it into athletic performance. What are the foundational level, how do we provide security for the athletes, where do workouts come in? We build the athletic pyramid of needs! Steve & Jon Check out the Scholar Program The Scholar Program…
Read More230: Coaching the Modern Athlete: The Role of a Coach
How has the role of the coach changed? Do we need to take a different approach with this generation? We answer these questions and more in this weeks podcast! Steve & Jon Check out the Scholar Program The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches education. It has 20+ courses plus an online…
Read More229: Modern Coaching: Ways to Promote Transformation in a Transactional Environment
Are you a transactional or transformational coach? Society pushes us towards transactional. In this episode, we outline why that’s the case and what we can do about it. Steve & Jon Check out the Scholar Program The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches education. It has 20+ courses plus an online interaction…
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