First off, I want to express my gratitude for all of you who have visited my site, read or listened to content I’ve put out, and just been a part of the exploration of performance. Without you, I would not have the time, energy, or resources to put out quality content. When I started this…

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West German coach Bertl Sumser was an early pioneer in taking a scientific approach to training. He carried on in the tradition of Woldemer Gerschler in designing his training with a heavy tip of the hat to the physiology known at their time.  In a 1962 article published in the Fred Wilt’s book , Sumser …

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Harry Wilson was most known as the coach of world record holder and gold medalist, but he also coached other notable British runners.  Before we get into the core of his training beliefs, looking at some of the extra stuff he had his athletes do is needed.  Wilson seems to have placed some emphasis on…

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During my search for  understanding the history of endurance training, I saw a pretty distinct pattern. There was a constant ebb and flow of popular theories. The all-interval crew would take precedence and then the higher mileage method would  come back in style a decade or so later. This swinging of the pendulum back and…

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When I first got interested in learning more about coaching and the science behind it, one of my mentors, Tom Tellez, told me about the process of learning. When you are new to a particular topic, everything seems intriguing and complex. You don’t have a built in filter, as you don’t know what is right,…

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