So I ended up racing yesterday down on the bayou. It was a real low key meet run relay style with UofHouston and Lamar competing. I teamed up with Sesar Figueroa. The meet was kind of different in that each of us ran 2miles twice (So I ran 2mi, handed off to Sesar to run 2mi, then I ran 2mi, then he ran 2mi.) It was kind of different and hard to judge how to pace yourself. Overall it went real well. We ended up winning by almost 2 minutes with a total time of 37:01 for the combined 8 miles.
The first leg my goal was just to chill out behind whoever and try and run relaxed. Well this worked for about 2000m until I got impatient and started putting a bit of a gap on the field. I was actually surprised how easy it felt because I really haven’t done anything but thresholds, mileage, and some hill stuff. So nothing too fast or hard.
The second 2miles was a bit tougher because I was trying to push myself with no one any where close by. Plus I think I drank a little bit too much water in between the 2mi. as it was swashing around in my stomach a bit.
Anyways, my splits on my watch were 9:06 and 9:03. So a good day. Sesar ran well too, so it was a good team effort.

Results are here:

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    1. Silver on September 16, 2006 at 5:31 am

      Nice race. Looks like you’re in damn good shape. Can’t wait to see what you do this year.

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