Hello Cross-Country and Base training
To answer some of the questions I’ve gotten in response to e-mails and posts:
-Track season is done for me. As I posted, I ran that 800m TT of sorts and considered racing some more, but unfortunately I went to the Doctor and my diagnosis of Vocal Cord Dysfunction was confirmed. It was an interesting experience to say the least. I had a small camera take a look at my vocal cords from two different perspectives (through the mouth and another one through the nose). So, I’ve got to have some cool vocal training….sweet deal…
-CC training is going excellent right now. Let’s hope it stays that way. I’ve considered posting what I do training wise, every day, like in the old days but I don’t know if there would be any interest.
-I’ll be writing some more articles and stuff to add later. Right now I’m focused on training and doing some coaching stuff. I’m just finishing up my sparknotes version of my training philosophy and when I get that done, I’ll post it or you can e-mail me for a copy. All it is is an attempt to shorten the massive amount of information that I use in training. Because let’s face it, you can have read every single training book ever, but it does absolutely NO good if you don’t understand it and condense it into something useful. You’ve got to figure out a way how to make the new knowledge useful. For example, it does no good looking at someones training schedule unles you know WHY they are doing something and WHAT they are trying to accomplish.
One more thing before I’m done. For all you coaches out there, you have to develop your own MODEL of training. That means you don’t just do X and Y because it’s in a book or because it improves some mythical thing called VO2max.
Instead you have to create a model (in running) of several different things. Create a general model of what happens when you run and what mechanisms need to be improved to help you race better. You need to consider:
-What happens during the race, what causes fatigue during the race,etc.
-What are your individual athletes attributes?
-What are the limiters of your athlete in the race?
Once you’ve established those, then you can create a model of how to improve performance for that particular athlete. When you’ve established those variables, then you look at specific workouts to improve those variables.
You don’t need to use scientific mumbo jumbo to do that either.
I could go on and on, but that’s all for now. If you ever want me to cover a topic in a blog, just leave a comment and I’ll see what I can do.
take it easy!
For what it’s worth, I would read it if you posted your workouts regularly, like daily or weekly.
me too
Thanks for your thoughts.
I just found your entry. My daughter is currently a sophmore and a very good runner for our area, 19 min 3 mile and 2:20 800m however in the past year has developed problems breathing during athletics. We just had the asthma (exercise induced) evaluated and nothing. I have been searching the web and discovered this VCD potential and your blog. How are you doing and what have you done to improve breathing. She wants to go to college and run since she has the potential but this new problem is really frustrating to her.
Same problem as above. My daughter has been doing great in cross this year (sophomore). Last spring in track her 3200 relay team when to state and got 6th place in the large school division (5A). She had no problems…until a few weeks ago. Now the asthma doctor says VCD. She has an appointment with a speech therapist next week. I've seen some breathing exercises on line and it just makes me wonder how someone can run and change their way of thinking of how they are breathing. Can it be overcome and can she get to back to her fast competativeness?