Special Block and Graduation.
First off, I finally got the news that I WILL graduate…yay…. This is big news because I had to do a whole lot of petitioning and arguing to get classes I took at Rice to count as transfer courses. Don’t ask me why it was so difficult, but it was. It was a huuuuuuge hastle, but thankfully it’s over. So now that I know I’m done, I can actually start to figure out what to do next year.
This week I attempted what Renato Canova calls a Special Block. Basically it is two medium-hard workouts in the same day. It’s a tough one, let me tell you, but hopefully the results will prove beneficial. We shall see.
Running Log:
AM- 5mi easy
PM- 9mi easy in a thunderstorm. Pretty crazy run in the rain/lightening.
AM-5mi easy
PM-9mi of
1.5mi w/up, 8xhill circuit up green monster
(35sec medium, 20 knee bends, 25sec medium, 10 tuck jumps, 20sec easy, 10sec bounding, 20sec, 20sec skipping, 20sec, 10sec sprint)
1.5mi c/d
AM-10.5mi easy. A VERY WEIRD run. At about 55minutes into the run, my right ear started ringing and feeling different. 15 minutes later it abruptly stopped and just as suddenly I completely lost all sense of balance. It was the strangest sensation I’ve ever felt. I couldn’t even walk, let alone run, in a straight line. So I stumbled the half mile to a nearby park and used someones cell phone to get my parents to pick me up. The rest of the day was much of the same. I got into a doctor and it turns out that my sinuses were plugged up so bad in my ear that it was effecting the vestibular process in the ear, which basically controls our balance.
PM-5mi real slow. Felt like I was running on a cruise ship. Very strange feeling.
AM-5mi easy
PM- 9mi plus strides. Slowly feeling better, but still off.
Hell day
AM-7mi of
1.5mi w/up, 10×400 w/ 200 jog in 60sec,(64-65, close in 59). 2mi c/d
Had to do this one before class. So started at 6:45 and it was still dark out. I felt real sluggish and it was very difficult to judge pace. By about the 3rd or 4th one I finally woke up and started clicking off 64.5’s. Good first session
PM-9mi of
2+mi w/up, Fartlek-3x6min w/ 4min easy, hard part at roughly 4:50 pace, 2mi+ c/d
This one was tough to get going. The legs were pretty much crap but I got it in. It didn’t help that I had bloodwork in between the two workouts.
This day is an experiment. It’s basically a supercompensation day. Two medium-hard workouts combined on the same day. Lots of rest is needed before and after this, so that means 2 easy days following it.