A quick update before I head out for a workout.

This past week I headed out to California to check out the Pacers Elite Distance program they are starting up and at the end of the week raced in the Jim Bush Invite at Occidental. I was out there from wed. to monday and it was a blast. More on that later.

I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to race because a couple days after my last blog entry I strained my quad. So I was on the shelf with nothing but slow jogs for a while. I bounced back though and had the kind of race I needed and wanted to have.

I ended up 6th in 3:47.08, my fastest 1500 in 4 years, which isn’t saying a lot but it’s progress (especially since I was DNFing and running 3:51’s just a few weeks ago). I played the race really cautiously as I went out in 2nd to last and worked my way up. My splits were something along the lines of 61,2:01,3:01.x. Steve Sherer won with a blazing last lap in 3:40.51. It was a good field and I edged out a couple good guys so it was a good day!

Now, I’m scrambling around looking at different races. No idea what the future holds, trying to put together a little mini season now that I’m on the right track and rolling. The problem is finding the meets and then cheap air! So we’ll see on that front.

More later.

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    1. Anonymous on June 16, 2008 at 6:47 am

      Good job and good luck on your path back.

      Anyway, a question:

      Since Olympic qualifiers are drawing closer, I have been wondering how athletes peak for one race (qualifiers) and then come back a month or more later and have another peak of equal or greater quality (Olympics). Since an athlete essentially has to be at hi/her best to qualify, it is often too much of a risk not to peak for nationals. Then again, though, the Olympics are most important if an athlete qualifies. What do you believe is the best approach to having a strong peak and then another a significant time later (training emphases, etc)?

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