After spending almost 2 weeks in warm Tallahassee, I’m back in the freezing conditions of northern Virginia. Unforunately, that means no more shirts off running for a while.

On the drive back, it was kind of disheartening to see the temperature drop as we headed north. We split up the trip with a stop at South of the Border, where everything revolves around some mexican guy named Pedro. It was a very uhh interesting experience to say the least.

The next day we made the rest of the trip with a long stop in Raleigh, NC to get in some running. We ended up running on a very scenic, but very hilly, trail in Umstead park. As long as you don’t mind some serious hills, it’s a great place to run.

Upon finally returning to the freezing north, I finally got a taste of what a real winter is. On our sunday long run, we ran next to a canal that was completely frozen over. We spent a mile or two debating whether you could get out and walk on it, when we came to a group of people playing ice hockey and skating on it. For someone who has grown up in Texas, that was a pretty crazy sight. Following the run, we walked out on the ice, so I have now walked on water.

The next day, my introduction to a real winter continued as it snowed during our morning run. And the introduction to cold weather running continued today as I did my first real workout in pretty dang cold weather. We ended up working out pretty early and it was about 19-20 degrees out with some wind that made the wind chill to be around 8-10 degrees.

Despite wearing more clothes than I ever have for a hard workout, it went well. I had a 3mi tempo, a couple minutes rest, and then 2 miles at tempo. It was supposed to be progressive in nature and it ended up that way. Splits were 5:07, 5:01, 4:56. For the next 2miles I was 4:54, 4:45. Then I had 4x150m. It took a while to get the legs going, but once I did it felt pretty good, except for the parts into the wind. The one thing that really sucked is that by the end my hands were frozen. I definately need to get some better gloves. After cooling down, we hit the weights.

That’s about it for now. I’m slowly, reluctantly, getting used to the cold weather.

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    1. Darwin Lo on January 25, 2009 at 1:40 am

      Yuck. Running the cold sucks. Great workout though!

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