Compression Socks
SigvarisIf you’ve been at a road race recently or watched Pro’s like Chris Solinksy or Paula Radcliffe race, you might have noticed the extremely long compression socks that are seemingly popping up everywhere. While Radcliffe was probably the earliest adopter to the compression socks while racing trend, it seems like in the last year the idea of wearing compression socks when running or after running has taken off.
As I’ve mentioned before, “new” trends/ideas seem to go through a cycle of heavy emphasis or de-emphasis before settling into around their likely place. So, where do compression socks fall and more importantly do they work?
I’ve been wanting to do a post on compression socks for a while, because they seem like the new “fad”. Sigvaris sent me a nice pair of compression socks to test out, so that solved my problem of critiquing something I haven’t used. As I told Sigvaris, I’m going to give a critical review of the science behind it and then my practical experience. As you’ll see shortly, there is a lot of mixed research on compression socks that is likely due to the wide variety of types used and the types of people used in the studies. It’s likely that there is a large individual component to it.
To examine that let’s use what one of my physiology professors, Dr. Winchester, called the 3 stool test. We’ll look at the theory, the research, and the practical experience to see if compression socks actually work:
First, let’s look at the possible theories behind why compression socks might improve performance. We need to separate this out into improving performance during the race/run itself and improving recovery post run/race.
Blood Flow
The Blood flow hypothesis basically says that the compression of the lower leg increases the blood flow. Partially due to gravity, blood can tend to pool in the lower legs. This can occur both during exercise or when at rest. As I’m sure you’re aware, compression socks became popular in clinical use to prevent such things as deep vein thrombosis. They were initially used for people who were bed ridden or had forced inactivity, and then latter branched out to being prescribed for people who had to sit for long periods of time, such as on airplane or long car rides.
In terms of improving performance during a race, the idea is that if increased venous blood flow can occur, more by-products that are transported by the blood can be flushed out and cleared better. If these products that can cause fatigue are gotten rid of quicker, then performance improves. In terms of recovery after a race, the idea is similar. If we can increase venous blood return, you’re going to get back to homeostasis much quicker.
Muscle Vibration
The second main theory is somewhat less known among athletes. When we run, and strike the ground, those impact forces cause the muscle/tendon/lower leg to vibrate. It’s thought that this vibration could be one cause of the delayed muscle soreness that we’ve all experienced. If you look back at the article I wrote entitled ‘Why running shoes don’t work’ you’ll recall the concept of muscle tuning, which is a similar principle. If this theory is correct, an improvement in efficiency could occur while wearing compression socks.
Taking this idea a little further, long and triple jumpers can often be seen wearing compression socks. Obviously they are not doing this for blood flow reasons. Instead, some research as shown that compression socks may improve leg power (Kraemer et al., 1996, 1998). The theory put forth on why this might occur is the decreased in muscle vibration and an increase in proprioception.
On a practical level, the theories are at least sound, with some ideas seeming more plausible then others. The bottom line though is that in theory, it could make sense.
Now that we know the theories, let’s look at what the research says.
First, the idea that compression socks improve venous blood flow at rest has been substantiated (Byrne et al., 2001). Similarly, the idea that graduated compression is better than constant compression at rest has been demonstrated. In theory, this should mean better clearance of by products and enhanced recovery. How much so is up for debate.
The question that has not been answered is whether compression during a run improves blood flow. Additionally, the question remains if either at rest or during running, the blood flow increase is enough to improve performance or recovery. Let’s look at the research:
During exercise, the research is mixed. Ali et al. (2007) found that no performance or changes in physiological parameters occurred during or after a 10k run. However, they did find a reduction in muscle soreness, pointing to the muscle vibration and recovery aspects of socks. Contrasting these results, Kremmier et al. (2009) found improved performance and an improved lactate threshold when wearing compression socks while running. Similarly, two separate studies found improved 5k performance and improved running economy (Chatard et al., 1998 & Bringard et al., 2006). The study by Bringard et al. (2006) is particularly interesting. They found improved economy at 3 different speeds, but it was most substantial at the middle speed (12km/hr).
Lastly, let’s look and see if compression socks can improve lactate clearance. In a study by Berry et al. (1987) they found that blood lactate clearance was improved after a maximal treadmill test. This effect has been further substantiated by other studies (Creasy, 2008). The problem according to Creasy, is in understanding why the lactate changes occur. Remember that we are measuring blood lactate, not muscle lactate. Early authors proposed that the decrease in blood lactate might be due to the compression decreasing the flow of lactate from the muscle out to the blood stream. The other option is that an increase in blood flow caused by the compression socks increases the flow of the lactate to other muscles that can take up and use the lactate. In essence, it would enhance the lactate shuttle. What exactly happens is hard to determine at this point.
On the damage and recovery side of things, a study using full lower body graduated compression tights only after the exercise showed improvements in muscle soreness and recovery following plyometrics (Byrne & Easton, 2010). As mentioned above, Ali (2007) found enhanced recovery which they speculated was due to the compression alleviating swelling and inflammation. The exact mechanisms for why compression garments may decrease muscle soreness is unknown. But that is partially due to the fact that the exact cause of delayed onset muscle soreness is also unknown. There are a couple different theories based on mechanical or metabolic damage, some more accepted than others, but if we don’t know exactly what causes soreness, it’s pretty hard to figure out why compression socks decrease it.
So what does this all mean?
The problem with the contrasting running performance studies is there wide range of different socks used and the wide range of experience of runners, from recreational to well trained. At rest in certain populations, compression socks definitely increase venous blood flow. The question is does this happen during exercise and if so does it improve performance? I’m afraid that testing that idea during intense running is a bit too hard to do at the present moment.
There seems to be a bit more consistent effect demonstrated on decreasing muscle soreness and thus enhancing recovery in a wide variety of groups. The results for performance enhancement while running due to blood flow increases and/or product removal is mixed. Although neither is well studied at this point in time.
Why the differences?
One concept that I’ve briefly mentioned that may explain the mixture of results is the idea of the degree of compression needed. In testing compression socks in a clinical setting, Byrne et al. found that there seemed to be an optimal amount of compression. First, they found that a graduated compression was better, meaning more compression at the bottom near the ankle and less as it goes up towards the knee. Secondly, the amount of compression mattered. In their study, they found 20mmHg at the ankle improved blood flow, while 30mmHg restricted blood flow at rest (Byrne et al. 2001). What this and other studies demonstrate is that there seems to be a sweet spot in compression. At rest, this sweet spot has at least been researched and found to be in that 20 +/- 5mmHg level, but during exercise the exact compression level needed is unknown. Additionally, there is likely an individual component to the level of compression needed.
It’s likely that the mixture of socks and graduated vs. non-graduated compression explains why the results are mixed. So, while we don’t quiet know what optimal compression is, from sedentary studies it looks like graduated socks are a must.
Although elite athletes do a lot of stuff that is useless or doesn’t work, looking at what they are doing provides some clues for what might work. In general, if one or two athletes are using it, they are either far ahead of the curve or it’s not worthwhile. It’s when you get a significant amount of athletes having success with a product or training method that you start to take notice. As mentioned in the beginning with the success of Paula Radcliffe, numerous elites have taken to wearing compression socks like Chris Solinsky, Jo Pavey, and Benitta Johnson. Are they on to something?
Just my opinion, but for most distance runners I’d think the most likely benefit would be the decrease in soreness or muscle damage, more so than the blood flow improvements. For the marathon and longer events on the track, muscle damage could interfere with muscle contraction or the amount of recruitable fibers, thus limiting performance. Additionally, with the calves in particular, muscle damage could limit the use of elastic energy and the stretch shortening cycle. We’ve all felt the effects of running a 10k in spikes and what that does to our calves. If this damage could be limited during the run or even post workout, performance or at least our rebounding from a race or workout could be improved.
In the compression socks that I got to test out, I tried them during a long run, post workout, and while traveling. The idea was to use them during my most damaging workout, the long run. When you’re running for close to 2 hours a ton of damage happens and my next day run is always slow because of the residual pain/fatigue. In particular, my calves are extremely tight almost all the time, so long runs or long workouts in flats/spikes always leave me with some residual soreness in that area.
While it’s impossible to tell, following a long run and a longer threshold workout in flats, my calves definitely felt better the next day then they normally do. I can’t say that anything else felt noticeably different, but the calf/Achilles complex on both sides seemed to see benefits. I can’t say whether it was wearing the socks during or after the runs that made the difference. For the post workout recovery test, I tested blood lactate clearance with and without the socks. On separate days, with workouts that produced similar levels of max lactate, I then lied on the ground for 15min either with socks on or without, then took another lactate sample. For what it’s worth, the time I wore socks cleared 1.1mmol/L more lactate during the timed segment.
For what it’s worth, I found the socks to be pretty comfortable both during and after the run. I’m used to wearing high socks when running, so to me it didn’t feel weird. I’m not sure how they’d work on long runs in the heat and humidity of a Texas long run. I haven’t tried that out yet. I was told by Sigvaris’ reps that they have an athletic performance sock coming out that is made for combatting such a situation, though I haven’t tried it out.
Lastly, I wore compression socks on and off during my travel day to the Peachtree road race. For those who don’t know, when you run at a relatively high level, a lot of racing encompasses long travel days and then lots of sitting around at a hotel. I must say out of all of the uses for compression socks this is where I saw the most benefit. My legs felt better during the long travel and then also during the whole sitting around watching too many movies period of the day. I think this is the area for the most benefit of recovery compression socks. Similar to the athlete who takes an ice bath a day or two before the big race, I can see compression socks being useful in the days leading up to a big race.
Concluding take:
There is a place for compression socks I think. Are they the cure all, guaranteed to improve performance? Doubtful. But there is no magic cure all, so you shouldn’t be looking for one. But they might be able to help increase recovery/decrease soreness. I’d look at them as a tool to use that is similar to ice baths. They don’t need to be used every day, but pull them out when you need them after that killer workout, or before that important race. Remember that while reducing muscle damage is generally a good thing, sometimes we need that damage to be the trigger for adaptation. It’s only when we break down stuff that it gets built up.
As mentioned earlier, with my chronically tight calves, they seem to at least do something for me. I can see myself using them on occasional long tempos in flats.
As a review, overall I’d recommend the socks I used for the purposes mentioned above.
So the takeaway message is this: Compression socks are a tool, like an ice bath or a recovery shake that can be used. Is it a magic pill? Nope, but could it help? Possibly.
Some of the socks I’ve used or my athletes have used with success include:
f you’ve been at a road race recently or watched Pro’s like Chris Solinksy or Paula Radcliffe race, you might have noticed the extremely long compression socks that are seemingly popping up everywhere. While Radcliffe was probably the earliest adopter to the compression socks while racing trend, it seems like in the last year the idea of wearing compression socks when running or after running has taken off.
As I’ve mentioned before, “new” trends/ideas seem to go through a cycle of heavy emphasis or de-emphasis before settling into around their likely place. So, where do compression socks fall and more importantly do they work?
I’ve been wanting to do a post on compression socks for a while, because they seem like the new “fad”. Sigvaris sent me a nice pair of compression socks to test out, so that solved my problem of critiquing something I haven’t used. As I told Sigvaris, I’m going to give a critical review of the science behind it and then my practical experience. As you’ll see shortly, there is a lot of mixed research on compression socks that is likely due to the wide variety of types used and the types of people used in the studies. It’s likely that there is a large individual component to it.
To examine that let’s use what one of my physiology professors, Dr. Winchester, called the 3 stool test. We’ll look at the theory, the research, and the practical experience to see if compression socks actually work:
First, let’s look at the possible theories behind why compression socks might improve performance. We need to separate this out into improving performance during the race/run itself and improving recovery post run/race.
Blood Flow
The Blood flow hypothesis basically says that the compression of the lower leg increases the blood flow. Partially due to gravity, blood can tend to pool in the lower legs. This can occur both during exercise or when at rest. As I’m sure you’re aware, compression socks became popular in clinical use to prevent such things as deep vein thrombosis. They were initially used for people who were bed ridden or had forced inactivity, and then latter branched out to being prescribed for people who had to sit for long periods of time, such as on airplane or long car rides.
In terms of improving performance during a race, the idea is that if increased venous blood flow can occur, more by-products that are transported by the blood can be flushed out and cleared better. If these products that can cause fatigue are gotten rid of quicker, then performance improves. In terms of recovery after a race, the idea is similar. If we can increase venous blood return, you’re going to get back to homeostasis much quicker.
Muscle Vibration
The second main theory is somewhat less known among athletes. When we run, and strike the ground, those impact forces cause the muscle/tendon/lower leg to vibrate. It’s thought that this vibration could be one cause of the delayed muscle soreness that we’ve all experienced. If you look back at the article I wrote entitled ‘Why running shoes don’t work’ you’ll recall the concept of muscle tuning, which is a similar principle. If this theory is correct, an improvement in efficiency could occur while wearing compression socks.
Taking this idea a little further, long and triple jumpers can often be seen wearing compression socks. Obviously they are not doing this for blood flow reasons. Instead, some research as shown that compression socks may improve leg power (Kraemer et al., 1996, 1998). The theory put forth on why this might occur is the decreased in muscle vibration and an increase in proprioception.
On a practical level, the theories are at least sound, with some ideas seeming more plausible then others. The bottom line though is that in theory, it could make sense.
Now that we know the theories, let’s look at what the research says.
First, the idea that compression socks improve venous blood flow at rest has been substantiated (Byrne et al., 2001). Similarly, the idea that graduated compression is better than constant compression at rest has been demonstrated. In theory, this should mean better clearance of by products and enhanced recovery. How much so is up for debate.
The question that has not been answered is whether compression during a run improves blood flow. Additionally, the question remains if either at rest or during running, the blood flow increase is enough to improve performance or recovery. Let’s look at the research:
During exercise, the research is mixed. Ali et al. (2007) found that no performance or changes in physiological parameters occurred during or after a 10k run. However, they did find a reduction in muscle soreness, pointing to the muscle vibration and recovery aspects of socks. Contrasting these results, Kremmier et al. (2009) found improved performance and an improved lactate threshold when wearing compression socks while running. Similarly, two separate studies found improved 5k performance and improved running economy (Chatard et al., 1998 & Bringard et al., 2006). The study by Bringard et al. (2006) is particularly interesting. They found improved economy at 3 different speeds, but it was most substantial at the middle speed (12km/hr).
Lastly, let’s look and see if compression socks can improve lactate clearance. In a study by Berry et al. (1987) they found that blood lactate clearance was improved after a maximal treadmill test. This effect has been further substantiated by other studies (Creasy, 2008). The problem according to Creasy, is in understanding why the lactate changes occur. Remember that we are measuring blood lactate, not muscle lactate. Early authors proposed that the decrease in blood lactate might be due to the compression decreasing the flow of lactate from the muscle out to the blood stream. The other option is that an increase in blood flow caused by the compression socks increases the flow of the lactate to other muscles that can take up and use the lactate. In essence, it would enhance the lactate shuttle. What exactly happens is hard to determine at this point.
On the damage and recovery side of things, a study using full lower body graduated compression tights only after the exercise showed improvements in muscle soreness and recovery following plyometrics (Byrne & Easton, 2010). As mentioned above, Ali (2007) found enhanced recovery which they speculated was due to the compression alleviating swelling and inflammation. The exact mechanisms for why compression garments may decrease muscle soreness is unknown. But that is partially due to the fact that the exact cause of delayed onset muscle soreness is also unknown. There are a couple different theories based on mechanical or metabolic damage, some more accepted than others, but if we don’t know exactly what causes soreness, it’s pretty hard to figure out why compression socks decrease it.
So what does this all mean?
The problem with the contrasting running performance studies is there wide range of different socks used and the wide range of experience of runners, from recreational to well trained. At rest in certain populations, compression socks definitely increase venous blood flow. The question is does this happen during exercise and if so does it improve performance? I’m afraid that testing that idea during intense running is a bit too hard to do at the present moment.
There seems to be a bit more consistent effect demonstrated on decreasing muscle soreness and thus enhancing recovery in a wide variety of groups. The results for performance enhancement while running due to blood flow increases and/or product removal is mixed. Although neither is well studied at this point in time.
Why the differences?
One concept that I’ve briefly mentioned that may explain the mixture of results is the idea of the degree of compression needed. In testing compression socks in a clinical setting, Byrne et al. found that there seemed to be an optimal amount of compression. First, they found that a graduated compression was better, meaning more compression at the bottom near the ankle and less as it goes up towards the knee. Secondly, the amount of compression mattered. In their study, they found 20mmHg at the ankle improved blood flow, while 30mmHg restricted blood flow at rest (Byrne et al. 2001). What this and other studies demonstrate is that there seems to be a sweet spot in compression. At rest, this sweet spot has at least been researched and found to be in that 20 +/- 5mmHg level, but during exercise the exact compression level needed is unknown. Additionally, there is likely an individual component to the level of compression needed.
It’s likely that the mixture of socks and graduated vs. non-graduated compression explains why the results are mixed. So, while we don’t quiet know what optimal compression is, from sedentary studies it looks like graduated socks are a must.
Although elite athletes do a lot of stuff that is useless or doesn’t work, looking at what they are doing provides some clues for what might work. In general, if one or two athletes are using it, they are either far ahead of the curve or it’s not worthwhile. It’s when you get a significant amount of athletes having success with a product or training method that you start to take notice. As mentioned in the beginning with the success of Paula Radcliffe, numerous elites have taken to wearing compression socks like Chris Solinsky, Jo Pavey, and Benitta Johnson. Are they on to something?
Just my opinion, but for most distance runners I’d think the most likely benefit would be the decrease in soreness or muscle damage, more so than the blood flow improvements. For the marathon and longer events on the track, muscle damage could interfere with muscle contraction or the amount of recruitable fibers, thus limiting performance. Additionally, with the calves in particular, muscle damage could limit the use of elastic energy and the stretch shortening cycle. We’ve all felt the effects of running a 10k in spikes and what that does to our calves. If this damage could be limited during the run or even post workout, performance or at least our rebounding from a race or workout could be improved.
In the compression socks that I got to test out, I tried them during a long run, post workout, and while traveling. The idea was to use them during my most damaging workout, the long run. When you’re running for close to 2 hours a ton of damage happens and my next day run is always slow because of the residual pain/fatigue. In particular, my calves are extremely tight almost all the time, so long runs or long workouts in flats/spikes always leave me with some residual soreness in that area.
While it’s impossible to tell, following a long run and a longer threshold workout in flats, my calves definitely felt better the next day then they normally do. I can’t say that anything else felt noticeably different, but the calf/Achilles complex on both sides seemed to see benefits. I can’t say whether it was wearing the socks during or after the runs that made the difference. For the post workout recovery test, I tested blood lactate clearance with and without the socks. On separate days, with workouts that produced similar levels of max lactate, I then lied on the ground for 15min either with socks on or without, then took another lactate sample. For what it’s worth, the time I wore socks cleared 1.1mmol/L more lactate during the timed segment.
For what it’s worth, I found the socks to be pretty comfortable both during and after the run. I’m used to wearing high socks when running, so to me it didn’t feel weird. I’m not sure how they’d work on long runs in the heat and humidity of a Texas long run. I haven’t tried that out yet. I was told by Sigvaris’ reps that they have an athletic performance sock coming out that is made for combatting such a situation, though I haven’t tried it out.
Lastly, I wore compression socks on and off during my travel day to the Peachtree road race. For those who don’t know, when you run at a relatively high level, a lot of racing encompasses long travel days and then lots of sitting around at a hotel. I must say out of all of the uses for compression socks this is where I saw the most benefit. My legs felt better during the long travel and then also during the whole sitting around watching too many movies period of the day. I think this is the area for the most benefit of recovery compression socks. Similar to the athlete who takes an ice bath a day or two before the big race, I can see compression socks being useful in the days leading up to a big race.
Concluding take:
There is a place for compression socks I think. Are they the cure all, guaranteed to improve performance? Doubtful. But there is no magic cure all, so you shouldn’t be looking for one. But they might be able to help increase recovery/decrease soreness. I’d look at them as a tool to use that is similar to ice baths. They don’t need to be used every day, but pull them out when you need them after that killer workout, or before that important race. Remember that while reducing muscle damage is generally a good thing, sometimes we need that damage to be the trigger for adaptation. It’s only when we break down stuff that it gets built up.
As mentioned earlier, with my chronically tight calves, they seem to at least do something for me. I can see myself using them on occasional long tempos in flats.
As a review, overall I’d recommend the socks I used for the purposes mentioned above.
So the takeaway message is this: Compression socks are a tool, like an ice bath or a recovery shake that can be used. Is it a magic pill? Nope, but could it help? Possibly.
Some of the socks I’ve used or my athletes have used with success include:
Great post. My brother swears by compression socks for marathon but I've yet to take the plunge. Seems like there might be some reason to look at them for longer races.
I was especially interested to see the Calf/Achilles issue mentioned. I am currently dealing with slight achilles tendonitis and looking for anything that might help. I have tight calves as well. I never considered compression socks as an aid. I will bring it up at my next Physical Therapy session and see what the provider thinks.
Good work!
I had the zensah leg sleeves recommended to me before my first 50 miler. I didn't use them during the race, but after the race I took a shower, put them on, and took a 2 hour nap.
When I woke up, no calf pain anymore. Kept them on for about 30 hours which included a flight from Vegas to Boston and a bus ride from Boston to Portland, and my calves never ached at any point after waking up from the nap.
That was good enough evidence for me; I use them for some of my long runs (usually anything over 2 or 3 hours) and most of my races. I've also got a pair of Recovery Socks that I use at home if my muscles ache after workouts.
Sold. I'm buying a pair.
This may be the best post/product review on compression socks that I've ever read!
I wear Zensah leg sleeves during and after ultras. They work for me. But is it really the compression or have I convinced my brain that it is? We all know but yet seem to overlook/ignore the power of the placebo effect… Well, at least you did a lactate sample test after your workout with and without the socks. Is 1.1mmol/L more lactate clearance considered significant? Hope many times have you repeated this finding? 🙂
Of all the compression products available out there, which do you see have the best compression features, e.g. gradual compression, etc?
This is among the most honest of posts I've ever read. I've recently reached that 100+ mile per week threshold and my calves and overall legs have been chronically tight/sore. I have a pair of SL3S compressions that I've had mixed feelings about putting on. This post helped with laying out an extremely reasonable set of arguments. I'm going to lean toward experimentation with compression on rest day and a few mid to long tempo runs. I really appreciate this information.
Steve, very solid post.
I have been a firm believer / user since about 2003 when I picked up a pair of OxySox at a Hanson's track meet at Hillsdale. For several years I just wore them during long days at work, when traveling, or to sleep in after hard workouts or long runs.
But starting about 3 years ago, I started wearing them for about 30% of my weekly mileage – typically during long tempos and long runs. I also still supplement – wearing them at work and when traveling.
I have also raced many times in them – with great success. For me, the best attribute – as you noted them all – is the reduction in muscle vibration during long workouts and races… this single aspect has been obvious and paramount.
For what it's worth – I tried numerous brands over the years… and both sleeves and socks. I prefer the Zensah sock and the 2XU sleeve. I've had the best results (and more importantly the best fit and function) with those.
Thanks again for the great post!
any advise for cronic re-occuring achilles tendinosis?
Great post, thank you!
really a nice simple theme it is
I've had a lingering problem with achilles tendinosis/heel pain since ankle surgery a couple years ago. It's been aggravated by my switch to barefoot running and minimalist running over the last year. I picked up some compression socks a couple of weeks ago and have started using them after long runs and harder workouts and they have made a huge difference. My doctor pooh poohed it. But I haven't changed anything else. I've noticed that it definitely helps reduce the swelling that I still get in my surgically repaired ankle and has helped with my sore heel/achilles tendon.
Just one more tool to use.
Excellent thread, as usual Steve. I have a pair of hospital nylon socks that are very tight that are probably not ideal but even those seem to be of some benefit.
Hi steve:)I allways like you logical ways of looking at issues. I know this is an old tread but anyway.
I see a danger training and racing in compression just like using shoes with all too much stability. Training of your own stabibilty is less and as a runner you will just end up weaker. Maybe you'll have faster recovery but but thats not allways the point if the result makes you a less stronger runner. or?
Great post and evaluation. As for recovery I would definitely say yes to compression. Even better would be to stand in chest deep water for a long time and the compression on the leg would possibly be more.
Ice was only just touched upon in this article as a recovery tool. I worked with a few sporting teams that would swear by ice baths. However in reality it is hard for 99% of the population to be able to use ice because of logistical issues.
However, I saw compression and ice at the Boston Marathon from 110% Play Harder ( I havent yet made a the plunge and bought a pair but they seem to cover both fields. Has anyone tried these out yet?
Sou um corredor do Brasil e gostei muito do seu artigo.
Parabéns por este relato tão esclarecedor.
Bons treinos e boas corridas.
This was a very complete post. I would say that the Sigvaris brand is a very good sock and made by a medical grade company. CEP is by far the leader in this technology. The progressive 02 sock has a graduated compression of 24 mmHg at the foot and ankle. They are also the only scientifically proven to improve performance, decrease lactate, and also reduce thermal conditions while running. Steve you should try a pair of the CEP version. I own a website and Sigvaris has a great product, but CEP is the leader. I will even send you a pair to review. Please contact me through the website and I will be happy to oblige. If the Sigvaris are superior that is fine, as I stated I sell both and look for an honest review. These two are the only medically made compression socks though.
What's the point of including author surnames and years citing articles if you don't add in your post a section with full references?
Sorry Brian – Compression Socks are made by several excellent companies including ItaMed in the US. Their prices are less than Jobst, Juzo, Sigvaris, Medven etc.
I run and use them and they make a world of difference.
Over the years, we have tried less expensive compression hosiery, but the problem we have had with those is durability.
The reduced vibration may be underplayed. I used to suffer from shin splints but these have disappeared since regular use of compression socks during and after running.
previously I had to limit mileage and ice my shins after running. This no longer appears necessary.
The reduced vibration theory would appear to explain this since the cause of shin splints is said to be the repetitive vibration of the shin muscle fibres after contraction leading to inflammation.
I am a pro athlete and have been wearing the fit-to-measure compression pro sport socks from AccuCare Canada, since 2003. I can honestly say they make a HUGE difference!! Especially post workouts…and AccuCare Canada has a selection of graduated compression garments that are made for the entire body… made by the TOP manufacturers. RISE,CEP (Medi),SKINS,Jobst,Sigvaris…etc.
I say…aim…shoot…score!
I searched 'compression socks running' because I sometimes get problems with low blood pressure when I run, causing my pulse rate to soar suddenly and I have to stop and lie down to fix it. I'm fit, but 51 and I think blood is pooling in my legs when I run as my leg veins aren't constricting enough to return it fast enough. Wondered if anyone else had tried compression socks as a way to help avoid this?
Thank you for this write up. My buddy just posted on Facebook that his shins (which have been sore for a couple days) feel better after several hours of wearing the socks. I have been considering them, because I have a constantly tender Achilles Tendon (surgically repaired 25 years ago). After reading your article, I'm convinced that, at the very least, it can't hurt anything to wear them. Off to the store to pick up a pair now.
I just spoke to a vascular surgeon who specializes in the treatment of varicose and spider veins. He thinks my calf cramping may be due to wearing compression socks and advised against them. He said compression makes sense when you are standing or sitting for long periods but not when you are running.
Why not when you are running per the Dr?
By reading this article and the reviews, I'm definitely buying a set of leg compressions sleeves today.
Great read. Thanks!
I agree that compression socks can help especially on travel. There is a reason why some athletes use this kind of socks, maybe it is because they find it helpful. As for me, it is a great help not just health wise but even when it comes to style. There are variety of compression socks that are colorful and fashionable. I even buy regularly on my favorite online compression socks store at Legs Therapy. 🙂
I wonder if all of these gimmicks really help runners and our sport or if they're just the latest scheme to separate dedicated runners from their money. We're just winding down our thirty-plus year experiment with pronation-controlling shoes which by some accounts may have done more harm than good. Now we have compression socks and energy-return shoes. What's next? Can't we just rely on training and effort and trust our bodies? Good review nonetheless.
I'm sure compression helps. I get far more calf cramp when not wearing them. Although as a consequence I'm then prone to my cramp in the hamstrings and glutes on long runs! but on balance compression socks are good 🙂
I am a type I diabetic and in my mid 30's have awful varicose veins, which give me pains in the front of my shins (it feels a bit like shin splints). I love to run and my doctor suggested picking up a pair of these….they are WONDERFUL!!! I am not a long distance runner persay, but would recommend these to any runner. I have noticed recovery is much faster after a race as well.
Any thoughts on compression socks and shin splints?
I just ran a marathon with these compression socks and I have to say that I am in a lot less pain than I had been post-race for easier courses. I usually have knee pain (runners knee) that usually hits me hard during mile 20 or so and it did not happen this race. I didn't really change anything else except for the socks. I am glad that I made this purchase andI definitely agree with the author. Not a cure all but worth giving it a try.
I never thought of using compression socks in this way. The individuals who I am used to seeing with them are usually interested in preventing other conditions. I may consider wearing them at times in order to prevent pain and injuries. I think that just like selecting shoes that support your feet, these can really help.
Thank you for this write up.
My 15y/o daughter was instructed to wear 20-30m for yes practice and sprinting due to serious blood pooling and reflux in bilateral legs . Her feet are literally purple when standing. It has helped enormously as she is not a candidate for surgery due to severity. I have also had success returning to running following an injury that kept me inactive long enough to decrease 02 and muscle mass. This led to vasoconstriction during my runs that produced uncontrollable "itching" as the blood filled my lower legs upon cool down. I will continue to wear them into the heat to prevent that. If you suffer from the latter understand that prolonged absence can produce that itching until muscle mass and lung capacity improves. Extreme temperatures will also initiate it.
So great to hear that compression socks have helped your daughter. I hope she continues to feel better.
Great article. Tons of info and research links to follow up on and objectively represented the data and tagged the article with detailed anecdotal evidence.
Great article. So refreshing to find a review of a product type that is not disguised as marketing or pushing an agenda.
While the science on compression socks is still being figured out, they absolutely help with muscle recovery after an intense workout. They also have helped with spider veins and varicose veins.