High Speed Video from the Stanford Payton Jordan Invite
I was down in Palo Alto this weekend for Stanford’s Payton Jordan Invite. While I was there, I took some quick high speed video (210fps) of several of the races. Below you’ll see video from the fast heats of the Women’s 5k, the Women’s 1500m, and the men’s 1500m (heat 1 and 2).
Women’s 5,000m (Fast Heat):
Women’s 1,500m Heat 1:
Men’s 1500m Heat 1:
Men’s 1500m Heat 2:
I particularly enjoyed the watching the 5K women compared to the 1500 women. The extent of kick of ladies and stride length seemed noticeably different in the two events. I think these videos offer more good evidence of one of your more recent posts on stride/running form.
I agree with Danny. The 1500m gets a lot more kick than the 5000m.
It does seem that the cadence is pretty similar between the two paces though, which is my next immediate thought. I'm impressed.
The 1500m does seem to get more vertical lift from the stride as well.
really beautiful videos!
Definitely some interesting things come to life in slower motion. Interesting to see the economization of gait in many of these athletes.
Carson Boddicker
Just a question after reviewing these videos. It occurs to me that as I watch the joggers suffer around the track vs those folks above that technique may be speed-dependent. I took some videos of myself running at various speeds and it seems that my form shapes up despite no particular attention to change in form. Is this real or am I making it up? and if so, it might suggest that for the majority of the "pack" we should just focus on going a bit faster.
The runners were asked to run exactly the same distance, but this time to run at 95 percent. The times for the 95 percent run were better than those for 110 percent.
It seems alot of the men land more on the forefront of the foot than the women.