Depleting for Performance and more Drug in Sport discussion
I wanted to point a couple of items that may be of interest to readers.
Depleting for Performance
First, I’m fortunate enough to write a monthly column for Running Times. In this issue, I delve into using energy depletion as a way to get more bang for your buck in training. Essentially, the idea is to manipulate diet to help us induce certain adaptations. Thanks to Trent Stellingwerf for providing some great insights along the way:
As runners training for the marathon, we are inundated with messages about the importance of staying hydrated, fueled and ready to go. A whole culture surrounds the obligatory carbo-load pre-race meal, we carry drinks and gels to fuel us on the run, and we religiously replace our carbohydrate stores within the refueling window. But do we always need to have our fuel stores topped off?
Coaches and scientists have recently begun to question if we want to be completely fueled during all of our training. The “train low, compete high” methodology advocates occasionally training with low fuel stores and then making sure that we are running on full when we compete. Research has begun to confirm that training in a depleted state is one of the triggers for adaptations that helps us better process carbohydrates and fats.
Drug Talk:
Secondly, I recently did a podcast on The Terminal Mile on, Canada’s track and running website. In the podcast we dissect the recent Russian doping scandal and the problem with performance enhancing drugs in the first place. In addition, Rob Watson, a world class marathoner, and Peter Eriksson who is the head coach for Athletics Canada. So you get a wide range of views and information. The host does a great job of digging into a messy topic. For those interested in the topic, definitely recommend giving it a listen
Hi Steve.
Would you use glycogen depletion during double runs differently depending on the type (endurance vs. recovery training, as this article describes)