Coming to you from Austin, Texas, Jon and I take on the topic of “Advice for a young coach” in our first in person podcast. In this episode we take a step back in our young careers and look at our development as coaches. Starting with tracing our history of how we got into the job of coaching, how we actually got our jobs versus how we thought we would get our jobs, and from there carry on with a dialogue about some of the big misunderstandings in coaching development.

We try to down some of the myths and expectations that we all had when we got into coaching and try to give advice on how to navigate the world of coaching, from resisting falling into the trap of ‘climbing the coaching ladder’, to the importance of focusing on development of people versus accumulating accolades. We then go into into talking about the misnomer of seeing coaching as a business, and some of the issues in the college system that are often overlooked.

The goal of this podcast is to have a simple dialogue about what coaching is. In ending Part 1 of this 2 part conversation, Jon and I discuss the temptation to fall into the trap of dependence based coaching versus independence based coaching. Instead of seeing the coach as the dictator who has to have all the answers, we talk of the advantages of moving towards always moving towards a two way street of a partnership based model. Escaping the world of micromanaged coaching, as athletes develop, they should gain independence.

We hope you enjoy part 1 of our 2 part conversation on advice for a young coach. As always, hit us up on social media if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions

Steve & Jon

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    1. Kirk Warner on June 4, 2015 at 1:49 am

      Great one you two! As a 23 YO coach this one was extra interesting for me to hear. Thanks for all you guys do! Keep it rollinnnnn

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