In part two of our in person chat at the USA championships, Jon and I meander through a variety of topics surrounding distractions and performance. We start off with talking about taking the master chef approach. What’s this actually mean? It’s about how to get all of these different people to the same end game. Meaning that instead of following an exact recipe it’s about understanding and seeing the patterns but having the flexibility to work around it both in coaching and racing.

From here, we dig into the difference between racing and time trialing and how we go about dealing with the fact that in the post collegiate world we spend the entire year racing one style (time trial) and then have to figure out how to run rounds and tactical races. How do we prepare for this and how do you get ready to prepare for the event demands in both styles.

After that, we discuss the workout Wednesday response, where we tend to look at workouts as predictive. They aren’t. Athletes and coaches tend to think that “If I did X workout, then I should run Y,” when it doesn’t work like that. Instead of looking at workouts as predictive, we need to look at them as a simple way to adapt.

To sum things up, it’s about reframing distractions as advantages. Don’t blow things up and make them bigger than they are, don’t use justifications, take advantage of the cards your dealt.

We hope you enjoy part 2 of our conversation on distractions. As always, reach out to us via twitter to let us know what you think and what you’d like to hear us talk about!

Steve & Jon

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Resources mentioned in this episode:
Player’s First: Coaching from the Inside Out– John CaliperStrangers to Ourselves– Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious

Get My New Guide on: The Science of Creating Workouts

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