Episode 25- Part 2-Why we are horrible coaches
In part two of Why we are horrible coaches, we continue down the path of bashing our own ability to coach. Starting with trap coaches fall into when they coach someone fast when they’re young- they now think that this is now the magical formula. We then delve into our worst moments of failure as a coach, hopefully making it clear that we all fail at moments. But instead of looking at them as failure and closing our mind off to new ideas, failure should be seen as an opportunity to grow. It’s a chance to realign your beliefs and viewpoints about training with the reality of training.
From there we delve into the idea of perceived expertise. If you think you know what you’re doing, it’s going to come back to bite you. When you have that feeling of satisfaction that you have it figured out, that’s the time you need be wary. That’s a warning sign that you need to check with mentors and evaluate what you’re doing.
We end with the idea of breeding autonomy, and not dependency. Take a day off from coaching, leave your phone at home, and go against the american culture of work for works sake and think critically about what your doing and how it’s promoting growth in your athletes and yourself.
Hopefully in this two part series on our own failings as coaches, you guys can understand how perfection is impossible. We’re all going to make mistakes and fail miserably, but it’s how you accept that and grow from it. It’s your choice.
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