Episode 37- Interview with Vern Gambetta: Coaches Education
In this episode, we are joined by performance coach extraordinaire Vern Gambetta. Using the performances at the recent Olympic Trials as a backdrop we take on coaches education. Where have we gone right and where have we missed the boat.
We start by asking the question of what makes a good coach? Is it coaching a singular athlete to the highest level or someone who consistently develops athletes, regardless of the level? Once we have the definition in place, we turn our attention to some components that are missing in a lot of today’s training paradigms. Starting with tactics and the ability to race and not simply fall in line behind a rabbit, to the use of ‘play’ in training. In particular, we have a lively discussion on the tendency to program and enact highly scripted workouts instead of actually coaching.
In this discussion, you get to hear the perspectives of a master coach who has been at the art of coaching in a wide range of sports for many years. Take a minute to soak up the wisdom and get back to your roots as a coach.
Steve and Jon
Resources Discussed:
Athletic Development by Vern Gambetta