Are you coaching the person or are you coaching the work?

In this episode of the On Coaching Podcast with Magness & Marcus, we delve into the difference between coaching people and the system of running. One is about seeing each athlete as a living, breathing, emotional mess of a person, and the other is simply about writing workouts and using plug and play coaching.

Topics covered include:

  • Understanding your athlete’s psychological framework.
  • How to give feedback.
  • How to make adjustments in workouts.
  • Finding the gap between what you want to achieve and what you actually did.
  • Learning to interpret social cues.

We hope you enjoy,

Steve and Jon


Resources Mentioned:

The World Beyond Your Head: On Becoming an Individual in an Age of Distraction  by Matthew Crawford

What You Say Matters: The Post-Race Debrief

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    1. Richard on March 22, 2017 at 9:53 pm

      i can’t tweet but I was there listening on iTunes during episode 1

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