Episode 80: High School Coaching- How we would do it differently
In this episode of the On Coaching Podcast we go back in time, to our high school coaching days. Both of us got our start coaching in the high school ranks and we take a look back at what we got right, what we would change, and the challenges that coaches now face. We cover everything from team culture to the details of training.
- Utilizing constraints to your advantage (6min)
- Creating culture through principles (7min)
- Tony Parker and the San Antonio Spurs culture (17min)
- The importance fo the message you are sending and the words you use (22min)
- What changes in training (30min)
- Teaching movement instead of relying on volume
- Recruiting kids to join the team (37min)
- “Get back to me in 20 years and I’ll know if I did my job right or not”- The importance of holistic development
- Improvement vs. Development (46min
- Don’t focus on keeping status
- Lack of being coachable is driven by insecutiry (54min)
Resources Mentioned on this weeks episode:
Principles by Ray Dalio
The Captain Class by Sam Walker
Training of Steve’s athletes in high school
Long Term Athlete Development: A Case Study of a 9:15 HS 2-miler to 2:16 marathoner
Tony Parker’s farewell letter to San Antonio
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Steve: Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube