Episode 105: Clarity is Power: Coaching, Training, and Achieving During Difficult Times
Normally running is an achievement-focused sport. We’re trying to win races and run PR’s. We’re not going to have any achievement opportunities for the foreseeable future. How do we frame running and keep athletes motivated when achievement isn’t on the horizon. In this podcast we discuss:
- Adopting the “Old” model of racing and competition.
- How do you handle a 6-month block of not racing? What kind of workouts should you do? Where should your focus be?
- Learning from history: What Lydiard, the Flying Finn’s, and Zatopek can teach us about long blocks of training without racing.
As a note, we are offering a FREE month of the HPW The Scholar Program, use the COUPON: BetterTogether
Steve & Jon
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Resources Mentioned in the Podcast
- Working from Home? Try these tips
- The Immune System and Exercise: What You Need to Know
- Lydiard Training
- Learning from Emil Zatopek
- The Foundation of Coaching Seminar– Learn the History of Endurance Training
- The Scholar Program- Jon and Steve’s Coaches education program!- For a FREE MONTH, use the COUPON: BetterTogether
Share your thoughts with us on social media:
Steve: Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube