Episode 107: A Track and Field New World Order: Make Track Great Again
In episode 107, we dive into what the sport will look like when we emerge from our current pandemic, and how it will have to change. We dive into a slew of topics, aimed at re-imagining our sport. Major sports (NFL,NBA, MLB) change their rules and playoff structures while keeping their history intact, how do we do the same? Topics covered include:
- We need to shift to seeing track and field as entertainment.
- How do we develop a coherent storyline for our sport?
- What does the future of college track and cross-country look like? Do we need to go a more regional model?
- What does it look like if we don’t have college football in the fall?
As a note, we are offering a 50% off of the HPW The Scholar Program, use the COUPON: STRONGERTOGETHER
Steve & Jon
Resources Mentioned in the Podcast
- Guts and Genius: The Story of Three Unlikely Coaches Who Came to Dominate the NFL in the ’80s
- The Scholar Program- Jon and Steve’s Coaches education program!- For a FREE MONTH, use the COUPON: BetterTogether
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