The Mental Game
How to Break Through the Plateau
Breaking through the next plateau. Our fitness journey’s often go a little something like this. At first, progress is easy. We start an exercise regime, and nearly every week it seems like we’re lifting a bit more or running a tad faster. As we move from beginner to regular, progress slows a bit, but the…
Read MoreGoing to Exhaustion. Even When You Aren’t Prepared.
Let me tell you about one of the hardest physical things I’ve done in the past few years. A time when I ran my slowest ever, but one I was most proud of. A time I looked, and felt, like absolute death afterward… In the first few years of coaching, I was young & fit,…
Read MoreHow to Build Tough Teams
“We believe that being elite is not about how talented you are. It is about how tough you are,” wrote Urban Meyer in his 2015 book Above the Line. Toughness has long been held as a fundamental key to achieving peak performance. Famed football coach Vince Lombardi called it “essential to success,” and NBA legend…
Read MoreCare and Support: The Secret to Great Performance
At the 1960 Olympic games, a 60-something-year-old man, rail thin, with a full head of white hair, took to the practice track adjacent to the main Olympic stadium and commenced to run as hard as he could. The gangly elderly man grimaced and strained to complete the 3 and ¾ of a lap which makes…
Read MoreThe Desire to Quit is Normal. Here’s What We Do About It.
We often hold up elite performers as some sort of superhuman. Impervious to the doubts and insecurities that the rest of us face. We call them tough, gritty, resilient, clutch, to show that they have figured out how to perform under immense levels of pressure. Something, that us mere mortals simply can’t do. Yet, every…
Read MoreYour Adrenaline Capacity: A Fuel Boost
What do you think of when you hear the world adrenaline? Some of you might think of an adrenaline junkie, someone who needs to skydive out of planes to feel alive. Something that feels good to some or may even allow us to perform at our best. Others, might think of fear or feeling overwhelmed.…
Read MoreFrequency Matters More than Intensity. For Workouts & Happiness
How hard do we need to go in a workout? Do we need to push the bounds of fatigue, get our athletes to experience a new level of discomfort, ‘shock’ the system with a new stimulus? It’s a question I ponder often. One we could answer by diving into the world of stress and adaptation,…
Read MoreImproving Our Relationship with Failure
She started in the back, where she expected to be, but something changed halfway through the race. She was moving up, and gradually passing one runner after another, keeping a steady rhythm as others slowed. My excitement and enthusiasm grew with each passing lap. “You can PR big! Keep it going!” I’d yell as she…
Read MoreBeing Clutch Isn’t Magic, It’s A Trainable Skill
We all know the clutch athlete when we see them. The Michael Jordan’s of the world who seemingly will their team to victory. The quarterback who comes through time and time again, engineering winning drives as if they’re routine. The athletes who rise to the occasion, improving their performance when the game is on the…
Read MoreWhy Power Posing Works? Exploring Social Psychology
Why power posing works A motto I try to live by is: “Look the other way.” Whenever everyone reaches consensus or heads off in one direction, I remind myself to take a peek over my shoulder and see what the opposite direction offers. I’m not trying to be an intentional contrarian; instead, I’m just building…
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